Printable Stoichiometry Exercises of the Elements, Formulas and Reactions
This Windows app can print up to twenty-five stoichiometry exercises that are different from each other but have the same difficulties.
Each exercise can contain up to ten problems of different types or of the same type. Even problems of the same type are always different from each other.
For each exercise two sheets are printed with the same progressive number.
The first sheet contains the date, the space for entering the name, surname, the text of the problems and the space for the answers.
The second sheet contains, for each problem, the numerical range within which each answer is accepted and the space for evaluation.
The allowed error can be 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5% and can be chosen by clicking on the "Allowed Error" menu item. By default is 3%.
The decimal separator can be "point" (en-US culture) or "comma" (UE culture). It can be chosen by clicking on the "Culture" menu item. By default it is "point".
Attention! to print the exercises it is necessary not to use double-sided printing
The App is free for students and teachers of all schools. They can notify chmsoft of any errors they have found in the App by means of chmsoft postmaster. Thank you.
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